
Showing posts from September, 2009

Swine Flu: Nothing to Sneeze At

This country has got me going crazy! Swine Flu this, vaccinate that. I even heard that some hospitals are making it mandatory for their employees to get the H1N1 (swine flu) shot. But you better believe that if the employee gets the flu after that shot, the hospital will not pay for lost wages. It just doesn't make sense. We are still so caught on a quick fix society, that we are driving ourselves deeper into sickness and despair. Many Americans do not know that we have been through pandemics like this before. Like the Spanish flu which killed over 20 million people. Interestingly enough, In Davenport, Iowa 50 medical doctors cared for 4,953 cases with 274 deaths. Also in Davenport, 150 chiropractors saw 1,635 cases with only one death. In the state of Iowa, medical doctors treated 93,590 patients, with 6,116 deaths, a loss of one patient out of every 15. In the same state, excluding Davenport, 4,735 patients were seen by chiropractors with a loss of only six patients – a loss of o...