Back hurting this holiday season? You may be forgetting about this one significant cause.
Oh, the holidays…. Sigh. Remember when you were a kid and how much you looked forward to Christmas? It seemed like it took forever to come, and when it did you were so excited for all those new toys! Fast forward to adulthood and now it seems that Christmas arrives faster than you can prepare for it, you don’t have a 2 week Christmas Break and instead you have to work, you’re responsible financially for everything, and you have to do all the shopping/planning/coordinating/ect. Sound familiar? To some, it may seem more of a hassle than joy with all the stress that comes with the holidays. Many of you probably notice that your back or neck gets tight and starts hurting during this season due to stress. We like to categorize stress into three groups: physical, chemical, and emotional. Physical stress is usually obvious; like lifting the Christmas tree or going up and down on the ladder all day to put up lights. Chemical stress is also noticeable this time o...