
Showing posts from May, 2010

Where does the time go?

As I look at the last time I posted, I realized time has slipped right by me. Hmmmm , sound familiar. It was yesterday that I was setting my New Year's resolutions and now almost 5 months have gone by. If you're like me, sometimes even the best intentions (like updating a blog) get put on the back burner. I see that it has been put on the calendar and yet, I forget to check it or something else urgent comes up. So how have you been doing on following through with the goals you set 5 months ago. Have you slipped into the old habits, or are you charging through on to health, happiness, and abundance. A key to remember is that even if you fall off the wagon to get back up and move forward not dwell on your shortcomings. I can't tell you how many times I run into people approaching speed bumps in their healing, exercising, nutritional change, relaxation implementation or what, and once they have a slip up, they quit their progress. Isn't that exactly what got us in our pred...