I'm weird, I know

I realize it has been so long since I've blogged. My second child has really taken a lot of my energy and unfortunately, this was something that had to be sacrificed. I've sure learned a lot from having kids. For one, the world does not revolve around me-anymore.. Maybe there are like different orbits or something- who knows. My two wonderful children give me so much joy and pain all at the same time. True story- my son decided that while he was outback that it would be a good idea to mimic the dog and use the grass for his droppings as well- that was a nasty clean-up- yuck!
Balancing my life has become an art- which always brings me back to the chiropractic lifestyle. I have learned to reduce how much emotional stress I have so as to not overload my nerve system and thus, prevent subluxations. My wife and I work hard at having very clear expectations, especially on the weekend when our schedules aren't as tied down. We communicate who is going to have their "half day off" in the morning and who has it in the afternoon... so basically, we divvy up the kids while we go recharge our own battery. For me, that's either golf, finding a place to be quiet and hear God talk, or even spending time at the office simulating a perfect day. We realize that if we can both give from "full" rather than "empty" our love for each other, our kids, and our life will have much deeper meaning. A coach of mine told me once that I need to be the best served patient in my office. It sounded kind of selfish and freeing at the same time. What I got from it was that I needed to be the best me, in order to give the best care. I find that the mothers I take care of have somehow taken the backseat on setting out time to give themselves good "HEALTH" care which could be anything from a walk to a manicure, to a massage, to some peace and freakin' quiet. I see so many moms worn down and in a fog because the "demands" of life are too high (if you haven't realized it by now, I like to use quotations because my grammar dis-allows me from knowing how to properly emphasize words).
I really enjoy what I do as a chiropractor. I wish more people understood what I "really" did. You should see the look on people's faces when they hear we can help them with their allergies, constipation, bed wetting (usually kids only.. hehe), asthma, sports performance and more. I almost want to put a sign on my door that says "really cool health care, and oh yeah- we do neck and back pain too." Health care is suppose to be pro-active, not reactive. I go to the gym to exercise to promote my well-being and internal health. I get weekly adjusted to promote my immune system and every other system of the body via the nerve system. I am a chiropractor- hear me roar! Ok, sorry- it started sounding like I was on a soap box again. But truly, I wish I could spend what these drug companies spend for a really cool commercialabout everything I am and everything I'm not. I had a guy ask me for prescription for Vicodin. One of the perks of my job is you get to laugh inside but try and keep a poker face on the outside. I assured him he would get no narcotics from me, but that attitude "adjustments" come free- another chiro-ism.

I think my blogging has sloped into journaling- which I suppose is what I wanted in the first place. So if you're out there and you have a million dollars to sponsor a cool chiro commercial, let me know. Otherwise, you'll keep hearing my rants and raves about- well- life


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