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Chiropractic gives you the (not unfair) clear advantage in the realms of immune system performance i.e. NOT GETTING SICK. By increasing the performance of your body's nerve system via spinal adjustments, one increases their odds of fighting off common colds, viruses, bacteria and other nasty goobers that keep us down for the count. By staying adjusted we are more healthy. We are not guaranteed never to get sick or injured, but our odds are greatly increased and we can gamble better with the game of life, not Blackjack. Some of our patients think that since they are feeling better after getting adjusted that they are Superman/woman. While we are all celebrating your newfound mojo, keep in mind that stressors (physical, chemical, emotional) can still build up higher than your threshold. Translation: after being adjusted don't be naïve and start kissing pigs that have Swine Flu! In addition to a properly maintained nerve system, include other healthy habits like a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and take time to pray or meditate.
-Dr. Scott