
Showing posts from August, 2016

To Brace or Not To Brace

Should I be wearing a back brace? A lot of people that suffer from chronic lower back pain consider (or even wear) a lower back support brace on a regular basis.  One thing you should consider is “what does that brace really do to help you”?  In most cases, a lower back support brace is great for new injuries.  It helps maintain your posture and helps keep the pressure off of your spinal nerves that would typically cause the pain.  However, know that in most cases wearing a lower back brace should only be done on a short term basis.  A good comparison is wearing a cast after breaking a bone.  If you’ve ever broken a bone and been in a cast (or know someone that has) what do you/they typically notice immediately after getting the cast removed?   Some of you probably answered “wow, I need to shave that leg/arm!”  Others probably thought that your muscles seem to be smaller and weaker compared to the other side.  Wearing a cast is of...
 Dr. Scott takes us inside his kitchen to reveal his secret to getting the most out of summer vegetables... JUICING!


In this week's episode of "Chiro Connection" Dr. Scott shares practical tips to reduce chemical stress on your body, thus making it healthier. Too much chemical stress creates tension which causes spinal subluxation, which is a major deterrent to your health.