Strcuture, Function, Health

So I sit awake at night thinking of crystal clear ways to communicate that Chiropractic is much more than neck and back pain. It's about promotion of health and wellness.

If the structure of the spine is misaligned, it will put abnormal pressure on the spinal nerve. Since that nerve controls the function of the body, we can easily say that structure is related to function.

The job of the nervous, as per Gray's Anatomy, is to control and regulate the body, so that it functions well.

If everything in your body is functionally well, you are healthy. When your brain has clear channels to communicate to your body, correct messages are sent. When there are obstrcutions like spinal subluxations (mis-aligments), the messages get distorted; therfore, the strcuture of our spine can be related to our overal health.

That's why Chiropractic has such great results with non muscular problems, like IBS, asthma, ulcers, high blood pressure, anxiety, ADD, and much more. Instead of masking symptoms with drugs or surgery, Chiropractic corrects the cause of malfunction.

Who do you know that is not healthy but wants to be more healthy naturally? Please have them reference this blog when they call, and their first visit is free!!

Unitl next time, stay healthy!

Dr. Scott


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